Many people dream of leaving behind their monotonous lives, which consist only of work and responsibilities, to embark on an adventure and taste freedom by traveling across the country. But only a few actually have the courage to do so. Siobhan Daniels, a 63-year-old former BBC journalist from Tunbridge Wells in Kent, UK, made this bold decision and hasn’t looked back: Three years ago, she bought a motorhome for 45,000 euros, which she affectionately calls “Dora the Explorer,” and now she travels all over England with it. The next destination is Spain.

Siobhan, who worked for BBC South East, explained that her old job had suffocated her, whereas today she feels free: “I don’t even have to pay rent,” she commented. When she’s not on the road, she is based in Dorset, where she takes on tasks at a estate in exchange for electricity. Among the “least pleasant” tasks is mucking out the horse stalls, but Siobhan does it with a smile on her face.


Besides the stress from her previous job, she also had to cope with the mood swings of menopause: “I was constantly worried and angry at the world,” she explained. Siobhan went on to say that the stress began to take over her life, causing her to put on a facade because she didn’t know who to turn to for advice. After making sure her now 32-year-old daughter was doing well, the 63-year-old decided to turn her life around and embrace the thrill of adventure.

Her new home features a standard-sized shower, a fridge with a freezer compartment, and a stove: She even equipped the motorhome with her own gin bar. Today, the former journalist shares updates about her life with her over 5,000 followers on Instagram.


Siobhan admitted that there are some things she misses since she no longer has a permanent home, but she loves her new lifestyle. Although she has given up a “more comfortable” life, she said that she is now “happier than ever” and intends to show other women that they can start anew and live the life they most desire at any age.